lundi 3 mai 2010

la rose ; part II


la rose

optic art; part II

my dystopia moment


ESMOD graduation project; my addiction to science fiction

this was 5 years ago. my esmod's graduation project. when i was still young, impulsive, and very idealistic -as in; i dont care if nobody's gonna buy it.
you know, teenager with raging hormones; drive fast, eat anything, not sleep, think that you'll gonna live forever.
i love those days; cant afford it anymore physically, but yeah, it was ok.
i even have a tattoo that remind me of those times.

concours international de jeunes createurs de mode et bijoux -2005

just a little competition a didn't win. rumour has it, the consideration was;
1. the clothes couldn't pass the stage gate (it was 1,5 m in diameter)
2. take 7 people to put it on to the model
3. its very unpractical to ship it to france.
4. and, i think, one of the jury hates me.

i dunno; maybe my head just make up those stories.
i'm pretty happy with how it turn out though; winning or not.

the skirt was hand painted, hand sequinned, hand made; 100 %.
the wings was hand crafted. it was amazing.

blood shed and tears to made it; but its all worth it.

thank you for all the people who has supported this project.

My Graduation Project -2009

Meet Iva Krezineiber. The brand of my graduation project. if faiberg lasse is half myself half the public, then Iva is ME. 100 percent Dayu Fridayani.
it takes 6 months to create the collection. this was the period when i was experimenting with color. the whole research started with all the colors you can ever imagine, and all the cutting. it was too much though, so at the end, i have to chose, so i eliminate the color, go to the very basic; black and white.
the inspiration was modern architecture, optic art, and ofcourse; science fiction.

the name is actually a slang of "i have a crazy neighbour". yep, you'll never believe how low old frenchie would go to annoy their neighbour. haha.

anyway, i'm putting her aside for now and concentrate on Faiberg Lasse. but i know someday she's gonna rise, because otherwise i'll loose myself.

anyway, the shoot was in La defense; the modern side of paris. it was sunny - thank god.

at Syndicate CLUB 66, Bali

it was on the 27th of april. started around midnite. alot of people were coming. therefore i wanna say thank you for the support and appreciation.

special thanks to; Yarri Satja, Annisa Dinda Andjani,
and also to the fabulous models; (from the left) Charisma, Karina, Tia, Dewi, and Mayya.

behind the scene

the shot was in one of the villa in Sanur, Bali. it was started around 11 -the perfect time of the sun's position. there were times when the sky was frustratingly cloudy that made the lighting insufficient, but we made the most of it by; taking our pizza break.

the underwater shot was extremely difficult, that's why i give two thumbs up for Ada for making all those stunts, and to Bimo for well-capturing those moments.

there were times when we did some experiment with food color; as you can see on the picture. lesson learned;
1. Never, i mean Ever, use yellow. the other color is fine. but if by any chance you did; add blue color. atleast green is more convincing than brown -as a swimming pool color.
2. if you wanna get drowned; get all the oxygen out of your lung.

there's nothing more exciting than hanging out with friends, eat pizza and swim around on a -pretty much- sunny sunday.

thanks to gita, bimo, ada, and made-the-serenader

the photoshoot

Photographer; Bimo Dwipoalam
Project Manager; Vitra Pragita Pasaribu
Model; Ada Kulesza
serenader; Made

special thanks to Willem Lodewijk for the support.
also; Febrina Siahaan, Yogie Pratama, and Resmeita Andesita